Preparing Your Dog for Travel

Planning a trip with your furry friend can be exciting, but it's essential to ensure they're comfortable and safe during the journey. Whether you're traveling by car, plane, or other means, proper preparation is key to reducing your dog's anxiety and ensuring a smooth travel experience. Our expert trainers here at Genetic Canine have some tips to help ease your dogs travel anxiety. First, gradually introduce your dog to the carrier or crate they'll be traveling in, using positive reinforcement to create a positive association. Practice short car rides to acclimate your dog to traveling in a vehicle, gradually increasing the duration and distance of each trip. Pack familiar items such as their favorite toys, blankets, and treats to provide comfort and familiarity during the journey. Consider using calming aids such as pheromone sprays or supplements to help reduce anxiety during travel. Take frequent breaks during long journeys to allow your dog to stretch their legs, go to the bathroom, and stay hydrated. By following these Genetic Canine tips and gradually acclimating your dog to the travel experience, you can ensure a safe and comfortable journey for both you and your furry companion!


Recall dog training


Crate Training Dos and Don’ts